Colorado Yule Marble, Wyoming Sandstone
h42”w12”d12”, 310 lbs, 2013
Madison Christian Community Labyrinth Garden, Wisconsin
Above and right, in the studio.
Below, in the Labyrinth Garden.
Greeting the sacred spark within,
I salute the God in you.
Head bowed, hands over heart,
Divine peace filling sacred places,
I am love.
Visual invitation to pilgrimage
toward the quiet reaches of soul
where life is a blessing,
and deep truths become known again
as if for the first time.
I honor that place within you
where love, light and peace reside.
I honor that place within you
where we are one.
Oh, walk with intention
to that sacred space within,
to that ego free place,
where internal wisdom knows the unity of all.
Go there.
Be there.
Stay there.
Let your soul
listen carefully to the voice you can fully trust,
as it whispers clearly from within—
The voice of God.
Poem written for the July 7, 2013 dedication of the marble sculpture overlooking the outdoor labyrinth
in the gardens of Madison Christian Community, Old Salk Road, Middleton.